Tooth Decay, A Rotten Problem
What Really Causes Tooth Decay & Why We Don’t Use Fluoride
Sponsored commercials want you to believe a certain product containing Fluoride will prevent or arrest tooth decay. That’s stretching the truth.
To begin with, teeth do not decay because you didn’t use a certain product or brush before bedtime. Teeth are stronger than bone, and what you eat has a greater impact than any product topically applied to the surface of your teeth.
To simplify: your teeth are built like a sprinkler system. From the blood supply in the inner pulpal chamber to the tiny tubules that make up the bulk of a tooth (dentin), a tooth will “sweat” fluids. When your body chemistry (pH) is out of balance, the system is reversed and instead of being self-cleansing, your teeth absorb (or suck in) whatever is on the surface. Bacteria and acids erode the enamel surface until they do major damage to the inner dentin layer. Now you have bacteria decay – that means there is a hole inside the tooth structure itself. Left untreated, this advances until it exceeds the body’s ability to counteract the mechanism and the tooth dies. Pretty gruesome.
For children with incipient, very early stage decay (not through the enamel), we often recommend sealants and/or MI-Paste (without Fluoride).
Note: Sealants only work on the chewing surfaces of back teeth. The sealants we use do not contain Bisphenol-A. Yes, we know you can get cheaper sealants elsewhere. We refuse to use products that contain known toxins.
Fluoride is a known neurotoxin and is linked to a host of health problems, including osteoporosis and autism. Lots of good science is available:
- Fluoride Alert
- Neurobehavioural effects of developmental toxicity
- In the book by John Yiamouyiannis: Fluoride the Aging Factor: How to Recognize and Avoid the Devastating Effects of Fluoride
We suggest you do your own internet search anytime something is added to the water supply under the auspices of: “Consume all you want – you’ll get the right dose.”